Emergency Electricians Plumbers

Home’s Lighting System is Flickering: Causes and Fixes

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If the lights in your home are repeatedly dimming and brightening in intensity, they are facing the flickering issue. This can not only be a noticeable and annoying issue for many homeowners but also indicates several issues within the electrics in the home. So, paying attention to it is essential since it could indicate a larger electrical issue.

Moreover, they can be a safety hazard if left untreated, potentially leading to electrical fires or damage to electrical appliances. This is the reason we will cover the common causes of flickering lights in the home and how to resolve the issue and will provide tips for preventing the issue in the future. Let’s get started!

Common Causes of Flickering Lights

Several minor or major issues could cause flickering lights. Although you can resolve the minor issue by yourself, the major issues require a professional electrician to troubleshoot and resolve. The following are the causes of flickering lights.

Minor Issues

Faulty Light Bulbs

The simplest explanation for flickering lights is often a burnt-out or faulty light bulb. Over time, light bulbs can wear out, become loose in their socket, or have other issues that cause them to flicker.

Faulty Light Switch or Fixture Switch

A faulty switch can cause flickering lights because it can disrupt the flow of electricity to the light bulb. If the switch is damaged or worn out, it may not be able to maintain a consistent connection between the electrical current and the light bulb.

This can cause the current to fluctuate, leading to the light flickering on and off. In some cases, the switch may also emit a buzzing or crackling sound, indicating a loose connection or a short circuit.

Loose Connections

Loose connections between the light plug and outlet can cause light flickering. This happens when the plug is not securely connected to the outlet, which can cause the electrical current to fluctuate, leading to the light flickering on and off.

Major Issues

Loose Wiring Connections

If the wiring connections in your home become loose or damaged, this can cause the electrical current to fluctuate, resulting in flickering lights. This issue can be particularly dangerous, increasing the risk of electrical fires.

Voltage Fluctuations

Fluctuations in the voltage of your home’s electrical system can also cause flickering lights. Various factors, such as power outages, lightning strikes, or issues with the electrical grid, can cause this.

Faulty Electrical Panel

Your home’s electrical panel is responsible for distributing electricity throughout the house. If the panel is faulty or overloaded, this can cause flickering lights and other electrical issues.

Circuit Overload

Too many electrical devices or appliances plugged into a single circuit can cause the circuit to overload and result in flickering lights. This can be particularly common in older homes with outdated electrical systems.

How to Troubleshoot Flickering Lights

How to Troubleshoot Flickering Lights?

Here are a few steps to troubleshoot and resolve the flickering lights issue.

Try Resolving Minor Issues by Yourself

When the lights in your home are flickering, you should try troubleshooting them, but only try this if it happened due to minor issues like faulty light bulbs, light switches or fixture switches, or loose connections.

Note: Ensure to turn off the main power supply, collect all the necessary tools, and carefully follow these steps.

Fixing Faulty Light Bulbs

  1. Replace the faulty light bulb with a new one with the correct wattage and base size for your fixture.
  2. Tighten the bulb securely in its socket.
  3. Check other bulbs in the same fixture for signs of damage or wear, and replace any faulty bulbs as needed.
  4. Turn the power back on and test the light to ensure the flickering has stopped.

Fixing Faulty Light Switches or Fixture Switches

  1. Inspect the switch for any damage, wear, or loose connections.
  2. If the switch is faulty, disconnect the wires from the old switch and replace it with a new one.
  3. Connect the wires to the new switch in the same way as the old one.
  4. Turn the power back on and test the light to ensure the flickering has stopped.

Fixing Loose Connections

  1. Carefully examine the light plug and outlet for signs of loose connections.
  2. If you find any loose connections, tighten them carefully.
  3. Turn the power back on and test the light to see if the flickering has stopped.

Call Professionals for Major Issues

Suppose there is no minor issue in your home’s electrics, and you still face light flickering. This happens due to major issues like loose wiring connections, voltage fluctuations, faulty electrical panels, circuit overload, etc. In such a case, calling professional electricians like us is highly recommended instead of troubleshooting the issue yourself.

This is because electrical issues can be complex and potentially dangerous, so it’s best to leave them to professionals. When working, we ensure that the work is done safely, accurately, and in compliance with codes and regulations, providing peace of mind and a safe home. Call us today, and let’s fix the issue.